For the purposes of these Regulations the following terms are defined as: The Organizer - Wroclaw University of Science and Technology established by the National Council Decree of 24 August 1945, published in the Journal of Law of 1945 of 19 September 1945, having its registered office at 27 Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego, 50-370 Wroclaw (NIP 8960005851, REGON 000001614) - who owns the Website, working by means of organizational units of the Universities organizing conferences. The Administrator of Personal Data - Wroclaw University of Science and Technology- having its registered office at 27 Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego, 50-370 Wroclaw. The Internet Service - the website of conference, through which it is possible to submit Orders and purchase conference services, which is owned by Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (the Organizer) The Order - Client's declaration of will expressing wish to purchase participation in the conference. The Client - the ordering party, domestic or foreign person performing registration and purchase of participation in the conference. The Conference - a conference or other form of organized public meetings, including symposia, meetings, seminars, training, etc. presented on the Internet service, in which the Client can take part after purchasing participation via the Internet Service, or in the form of traditional bank transfer. PayU - PayU SA having its registered office in Poznan, 60-182 Poznan, 182 Grunwaldzka Street, entered in the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court Poznan - Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznan, VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the number 0000274399, having NIP: 779-23-08-495. The Payment Service - a tool provided by PayU, allowing payments for purchases made on the Internet Service
Article 2. Manner and terms of Orders. Conclusion of the agreement. Order cancellation
1. The Internet Service allows Clients to place Orders and to make the purchase of participation in conferences.
2. The Client placing an order for conference services, offered in the Internet service, is required to fill out an application, select the offered package of services and to choose the form of payment. In case an invoice is required, the Client obligatorily gives all the necessary information which are required to write the invoice.
3. Before the payment, the Client accepts the "The Regulations of charging by electronic means".
4. The Organizer bears no responsibility if the Client supplies false or misleading information, if the Client cannot use the Internet Service or any part thereof as a result of using wrong browser, incorrect configuration of software or hardware, and does not warrant that the use of the Service will be possible using the full range of each hardware and software configuration.
5. After placing the Order, the Client receives an e-mail confirming Order placement, together with the selected package and the price and the method of payment. Upon sending the confirmation message, it is considered that the agreement between the Client and the Organizer was concluded.
6. The Client can change or cancel the placed Order only until its approval. Changing or cancelling Orders which were already sent, requires notifying the Organizer in the manner specified by the Organizer in Internet Service of the conference.
Article 3. Prices. Payments
1. The Prices of conference services are presented in the Internet service of the conference. The Prices may be given in PLN or in a foreign currency.
2. Upon receipt of the confirmation referred to in Article 2 Paragraph 5, the Client is obligated to make payments in the chosen form, as indicated in the Order's confirmation.
3. The Client can make a payment for conference participation in the form of a traditional transfer directly to the Organizer's account or in one of the forms indicated below:
a) by a bank transfer via the Payment service - if the Client has an account in one of the banks available in the service operating in the country;
b) credit card via the Payment service - if the Client is a foreign Client or a national one deciding to make the payment by a credit card.
4. Upon receipt of the payment, the Organizer issues an invoice on the request of the Client. The condition of receiving it is to provide the Organizer with all the necessary data.
Article 4. Complaints and refunds
1. The principles of charging, the amounts, and payment deadlines, as well as the principles for refunds are provided by the Organizer in the Internet Service of the conference.
2. A participant may withdraw from the conference in terms and on the principles defined by the Organizer in the Internet Service of the conference.
3. Statements of resignation from the participation in the conference are reported to the Organizer by e-mail or by post to the address given in the Internet Service of the conference.
4. In case of the Client's resignation from the participation in the conference, the Organizer shall refund the received payment in the amount, time and on the principles referred to in Article 4 Paragraph 1.
5. The refunded amount may be reduced by the costs incurred by the Organizer in connection with the accepted Order, as well as bank charges related to the return of the received payments and the fees collected by the PayU Service, in accordance with the agreement between the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology and PayU, the payment service provider.
6. Requests and complaints are dealt with within 14 working days from the date of receipt by the Organizer.
7. The Organizer shall make a refund within 14 working days from the date of receipt of the Client's resignation from the participation in the conference, subject to the rules referred to in Article 4 Paragraph 1.
8. In the event when the conference is cancelled by the Organizer, the return of received payments shall take place within 14 working days from the date when the relevant information was submitted to the Client by the Organizer.
Article 5. The functioning of the Internet Service
1. The Organizer makes every effort to ensure that the Internet Service works without any problems. However, due to essential maintenance and modernization there may be short disruptions in operation. The Organizer shall inform on the website of the Internet Service about the planned time and duration of such activities.
2. The Organizer reserves the right to block access to the Internet Service for users suspected of manipulating or trying to manipulate its content by actions threatening the used software or aimed at its destabilization, or those who violate the provisions of these Regulations in any way.
Article 6. The technical requirements concerning the conference participant (payer)
1. Possession of an active email account.
2. Using the current version of the browser Microsoft Internet Explorer (Edge), Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari, with JavaScript and cookies.
Article 7. Personal data protection
1. In case of any doubts, it is assumed that the person whom the data concerns (specified while placing the Order) by entering their personal data necessary to complete the payment by means of the Payment Service and implementing the service referred to in these Regulations, gives consent to the processing of their personal data for the purposes and within the limits referred to in these Regulations. The Client giving personal data of a conference participant (if the data concern other person than the Client) is responsible for fulfilling the legal obligation to inform the person in question.
2. The Administrator of Personal Data assures processing of personal data obtained in connection with the services specified in the Regulations pursuant to the provisions of the Act of August 29, 1997 Personal Data Protection (Journal of Law of 2016 Item 922). The legal basis for data processing in this field are the art. 17 and 18 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on electronic services (Journal of Law of 2016 Item 1030).
3. The personal data that relate to the user of the Payment Service, given in the course of the transaction, shall be processed by the Organizer having its registered office on 27 Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego in Wroclaw. The address of data administrator - the Organizer, is also its contact address.
4. The personal data is collected and processed in order to support the process of settlement of receivables from the person taking part in the conference.
5. In order to provide the service, the Organizer can process the data, including:
a) a surname and the names of the recipient;
b) personal identification number PESEL or (when this number was not given) the number of passport, identity card or other data adequately identifying the holder of an appropriate document confirming their identity;
c) the address of permanent residence;
d) mailing address, if it is different from the permanent residence address;
e) the data used to verify the qualified electronic signature of the recipient;
f) electronic addresses of the recipient;
6. In order to provide electronic services the Organizer may also process:
a) information that uniquely identify a subject of rights or a legal entity making the payment by means of the Payment Service;
b) other data necessary due to the properties of the service or a method of its settlement.
c) other data, which:
- are necessary to issue an invoice;
- are admitted for processing on the basis of separate laws or on the basis of an agreement concluded with the Client or a participant in the conference;
- aim at providing the Client with the service including solving technical problems and providing access to functions;
- are necessary to contact the Client, including the purposes related to the provision of services and the Client's service;
- are enforcing compliance with these Regulations, including counteracting fraud and abuse.
7. A person, to whom the data relate to, expressing a voluntary consent for using the services provided by electronic means, simultaneously agrees that the Organizer and the entities acting on its behalf in connection with claiming due payments for the service which this Regulations concern, could process the data - including also those which are not necessary for the provision of electronic services provided that they:
a) are necessary for the settlement of services and claiming due payments for the use of the service or to explain the circumstances of unauthorized use of the service;
b) aim to conduct analyses in order to improve the quality of Organizer's services, adapting the Organizer's offer to the Client's needs or are necessary for the implementation of permitted marketing activities, market research, and research on consumer market behavior and preferences that aim at improving the quality of Organizer's services, with the consent of the Client and by means of communication channels available to the Organizer;
c) necessary for the implementation of the agreements concluded in the framework of the activities carried out by the Organizer only in the range of the data obtained in connection with the Order.
8. The person to whom the data relate, provides them to the Personal Data Administrator for the period necessary to use the Organizer's service that these Regulations relate to and to settle the dues.
9. A person to whom the personal data refer is entitled, in particular, to access their data, as well as correct and change them.;
10. Providing personal data by a person to whom the personal data refer to, is voluntary and at the same time necessary for the transaction, and the lack of consent for processing shall result in the inability to use the services to which these Regulations apply.
Article 8. Other provisions
1. Using the services of the Internet Service is equivalent to agreeing to all the terms and the information contained herein.
2. The Client is solely responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the submitted information.
3. The Organizer reserves the right to change these Regulations. If there are any amendments to the Regulations, the Organizer shall inform about them on the Internet Service. In that case, changes in the Regulations come into force on the date of their publication on the website of the Internet Service and have no retroactive effect.
4. In matters not regulated by these Regulations, the provisions of Polish law, including the Civil Code, shall apply.